Hi! I'm Rhiannon. Owner of mila + bunny and mum to Mila (6) and Dylan (3). This has been a long time coming and I'm so happy to finally have you here.

I always wanted to start my own own business although I was never really sure what it was going to be. I have always loved making my own things and was brought up in a creative household. My mum dressed me in handmade clothing and our home was always surrounded by loose cotton threads and an overflowing fabric stash. Although it wasn't until my own daughter was a few months old that I decided to try and make some hair bows and clothing for her using patterns and different types of fabric that I couldn't find in stores. Lots of very late nights surrounded by the light and hum of my sewing machine, in between feeding and settling my baby girl, I made my very own accessories and clothing for her. Eventually, I started to become a little bit more confident in my ability and began to make some items as baby shower gifts for friends and family members. So now, 4 years later, with all those years of practicing and perfecting I finally feel ready to share them with you! 

But then my next question was, what was I going to call this business? It was early 2019 and it was one of those nights. You know the nights that I'm talking about. Those rough, long days when you look so forward to bedtime but as soon as your little one is asleep, you lay in bed just staring at photos of them wondering how you created something so perfect. One night I was looking back at photos of my daughter from her monthly milestone photos. In fact, I don't think I ever finished them. I swiped across her 3 month milestone photo. I remember this day like yesterday. Carefully getting her to sleep in the cutest of outfits, positioning her with the milestone card next to her and her white bunny tucked under her arm. Quiet as a mouse as to not disturb and wake her. There she was. Mila and Bunny. 

Our aim is to provide all your favourite styles of high quality, beautiful hair accessories to compliment your little girls outfits, as well as thoughtfully curated baby girl essentials located all in one place. We are so excited to show you what we have in store.

We know there is so much choice in accessories for your children and so thank you for visiting us. If there is anything you'd like to see, or just simply would like to reach out, please don't hesitate to contact me. As a small business, we appreciate your orders, likes, comments and shares more than we can say. 

